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Here you can find documentation for all BX Team projects.
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About BX Team
BX Team is a group of developers who create projects for Minecraft servers. We are focused on creating high-quality plugins that are easy to use and have good performance. Our plugins are open-source and free to use.
We are currently working on the following projects:
- DivineMC: A fork of Purpur compatible with Spigot plugins, offering the best performance for your server.
- NDailyRewards: Reward your server players for playing on it every day.
- Nexus: A plugin that gives you ability to personalize your Minecraft server with useful features.
The projects that are described below are no longer maintained by us, but you can still use them. We are not responsible for any issues that may arise from using them.
- RealWorldSync: Synchronizes time and weather from the real world to the game.